The value of acoustic engineering
Here's why acoustic engineering is good value, in other words the outcome is worth more than the cost of the service. This school was told by an acoustic foam supplier to cover the ceiling. I did the calculations for the classroom and came up with 1/3 of that amount. The calculations cost a LOT LESS than 2/3 more acoustic panels. Not only would have they wasted all that money but it would have been too dead. As it stands they are very happy and had this comment from two students;
"Yes we have installed the panels in our two science classrooms, and the sound dampening effect is excellent. The difference is immediately apparent to everyone who walks into the rooms now. My students took a few days to adjust to the new acoustics with one year 9 students upon being in the new room for about 15 mins said she was feeling dizzy because something just wasn't feeling normal and the room felt strange, another student then exclaimed, no its just that the room is now "normal" and with no echo now."
Correct acoustic treatment in a classroom from reverberation time calculations
Correct acoustic treatment in a classroom from reverberation time calculations
Also, I did the design to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2107. This means that if they weren't happy with the result they could check it against the standard, and if I had advised them wrongly, seek rectification. If the acoustic foam sales person gives advice that is wrong, there is no recourse as it has no way of being checked.
Adding absorption is not a linear process. Once the correct amount has been calculated, adding more doesn't give as much benefit.
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